

Canada Wood

Canada Wood, a partnership of the Federal Government of Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Canadian forestry industry, was charged with promoting the benefits of wood construction and Canadian wood products and technology to Chinas fast growing construction sector. The teams mandate continues to place a high value on a partnered and coordinated approach, to advance Canadas reputation as a premier forest product supplier and source of modern wood construction technology to the world.

Through the years, Canada Wood has employed an integrated marketing campaign that includes demonstration projects, promotional activities, vocational training and partnerships with Chinese stakeholders. A key part of Canada Woods efforts involve transferring Canadian wood construction technology, and showcasing its various applications through demonstration projects so that locally- based architects, engineers, developers, government officials and consumers can see, touch and otherwise experience Canadian wood products. These initiatives have led to an increased awareness of the benefits of building with wood, and of Canadian wood products in general. 

Concurrent activities


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