

Binzhou Tourism Development Commission

Binzhou is located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, the northern plain of Shandong Province and the hinterland of the Yellow River Delta. To the north Binzhou borders the Bohai Sea. To the east it is adjacent to Dongying. To the south, it is a neighbor of Zibo. To the west it is close to Dezhou and Jinan. To the northwest, it faces Hebei Province across the Gezhangwei River. Covering a land area of 9,600 square kilometers with a population of more than 3.8 million people, Binzhou exercises jurisdiction over Bincheng District,Zhanhua District, Huimin County, Yangxin County, Wudi County, Boxing County, Zouping County, Binzhou Economic Development Zone , Binzhou Hi-tech Development Zone and Binzhou Beihai Development Zone。


Concurrent activities


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