

Eurojoy Ice & Snow Investment Management (Beijin) Co.,Ltd

EUROJOY is a professional company specializing in sports and culture industry focusing on ice and snow. Its business covers venues operation, events, training, sports and entertainment, sports brokers, sports tourism, cultural performing arts, equipment, planning and design, technical services, provision supply, investment and international cooperation, etc.

Headquartered in Beijing, Yuet Yue has set up branches in more than 20 provinces and cities nationwide with a total workforce of over 500. Since 2009, he has invested and managed more than 30 ice skating fields, ice Park, ice hockey Museum, ice hockey Museum, film ice hockey Museum, ice snow carnival, ice racing hall and other ice and snow projects in China, to achieve the target of more than 20 million skating customers.

At present, he operates dozens of ice skating clubs and ice hockey clubs. It has trained a large number of youth ice and snow reserve talents for the country and society. By organizing ice skating, ice hockey, ice curling, skiing, bendi ball, ice Derby, ice and snow racing, and other ice and snow events, it attracts and brings public understanding of ice snow, snow and snow, and ginseng. And ice and snow.

The 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing brought great opportunities for the development and prosperity of ice and snow sports and sports industry in China. O Yue will seize the historic opportunity of China's consumption upgrade, focus on serving the ice and snow, focusing on the big market of China's sports industry, helping the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and achieving the grand goal of "three hundred million people to participate in ice and snow" and "healthy China".

Concurrent activities


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